Public Service CU – Oak Park Branch

Services Provided:  Strategic Site study, site negotiation, due diligence and site acquisition, Retail Design and Team Build Construction

Completion:  October, 2020

Job Cost:  $283,206

Building Size:  3,100 sq. ft. & exterior renovation

Type/Location:  Renovation/Branch – Oak Park, MI

Description:  The client had been looking for some time to get out of a leased space in Oak Park.  We found them a location with excellent traffic counts, good retail drivers and close proximity to the existing location.  The building had been a bank branch previously with about 15% of the interior that could be salvaged.  The exterior was very dated and didn’t fit the branding of the credit union at all.   This branch also needed to support a previous service center which always creates q unique challenges.  It did have a full drive-thru located in the back that needed to be promoted by exterior signage.  It also had a large vault located in the center of the branch that needed to be incorporated into the layout.  

Once again Steve Bacon, our retail design partner, was able to provide a high level of member services along with the service center model.  He brought all of the branding and merchandising solutions over from the Garden City branch and incorporated them into the new unique layout.    

On the exterior we needed a way to make the square, boxlike building stand out from it’s surroundings.  We opted for a vestibule tower that will provide a unique branding piece for the credit union moving forward.  We have utilized this on future renovation projects as well.  We also started to reinforce the credit unions new brand/colors with more consistency with all new renovations so that these branches have components that tie them together.  All of the buildings/projects we have worked on so far are very unique in shape, architecture and finishes but we have managed to tie key components together.  

The result is a fully functional, updated and branded branch that was purchased at a good price, renovated cost effectively and that is performing tremendously for the community and the credit union.


Downriver Community FCU - Headquarters


Public Service CU - Garden City Branch